What is new in version 1.0:
- Use of macros for automation
- Zooming to selected orthophoto (in the ortophoto window)
- When possible, drawing function now only for the affected layer
- Loading, saving projects (cir) with projectnames into data directory
- Performance improvements (e.g. with REMSEL)
- Errors due to change of layer during COPY or other functions
- Wrong layer index after deleting one layer
- Error when deleting objects in already selected with delete in rectangle
- Lines can now include detail points more then once. (e.g. closed lines)
What is new in version 0.95.8:
- Catching lines with the graphic cursor
- Correction of the last byte of Shape DBF files
What is new in version 0.95.6:
- When using non-Journal-mode deleted elements are now erased before saving into cir-file
What is new in version 0.95.5:
- Symbols which names starts with "_"-char are not zooming in the grafic window (+/-)
- Crash with shape imports, when the prj-file is missing
- After quiting a opened paste function, selecting elements is not possible
- Data overflow after zooming into a very small scale (less than 1:1)
What is new in version 0.95.4:
- Use of printcolors also for the symbols
- If the printcolors are not yet defined, the standard colors are used for print layout
- Processing of decimal values (positions) from the symbol-polygons corrected